Note WebGL might not load due to size of project.

Made from MI 455 Project 1 given assets

Imported assets:

  1. A* Pathfinding Project Pro by Aron Granberg 
  2. Ezy-Slice by DavidArayan
  3. Magic Light Probes by Eugene B
  4. Unfinished assets from my previous projects
    1. Imported and finished Time manager and slicing scripts 
  5. Unity Registry
    1. Cinemachine
    2. Text Mesh Pro
    3. Input System
    4. Terrain Tools
    5. ShaderGraph
    6. Probuilder

Implemented a version of Blade Mode from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, player can enter mode and slice objects under a limited timer

Made entire new level from provided assets. 

Turned game into an 3D action shooter game and removed 2D elements due to incompatibility. 

  1. New health system
    1. Player takes damage from enemy attacks and dies at 0 hp
    2. Enemies take damage from player projectile 
      1. Armor must be broken first before enemy is damaged
        1. Armor must be sliced to destroy after taking enough damage
      2. Enemies with no armor can be sliced to be killed 
    3. New item to restore player health 

Added new UI and Tutorial to explain and implement new mechanics 

  1. In game tutorial sensitive via location 
  2. Slice mode UI to indicate time left and parts made by slicing 

Revamped several assets into new or adjusted forms to add to the game.

  1. Powerup acorns  that refill the slice mode bar or extends it 


sohndan1 - 92 MB
sohndan1 - 84 MB

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